All case studies

Bella Vou

Helping a high-end cosmetic clinic exceed quarterly targets by 25% during the C-19 Lockdown

PPC | SEO | Social media | Website design
YOY increase in organic search enquiries
Increase in organic social media enquiries
Increase in quarterly search traffic

Bella Vou

Bella Vou is a cosmetic surgery and aesthetic treatment clinic offering the highest standards of patient comfort and care. Their previous website was out-of-date. The management team came to Medico Digital with the aim of working together to create a website and social media strategy to better represent their brand values and ethos.


Our website was something that needed to be updated. There were some technical issues, but we also made a strategic decision to redesign the website to better educate and communicate with our leads.

‘We were looking for a number of things from Medicodigital. We wanted a website redesign so that it reflected the Bella Vou brand more clearly, we wanted to improve rankings and drive traffic to the website, and we wanted to make it more user-friendly and easy for clients to navigate

Neil Osborne, Marketing Manager

Website Redesign

Medico Digital has specialist knowledge of the healthcare market and extensive experience and expertise in medical website design and healthcare marketing. Bella Vou’s focus is on surgical excellence and exceptional patient care. We collaborated closely with the team to create a website that met their functional and aesthetic aspirations and reflected their high professional standards. As Neil said:

‘The website needed to encapsulate what Bella Vou is about; a very specialised, bespoke and tailored approach to cosmetic surgery and patient care. It’s important that the look and feel of the website, as well as the information on there, accurately represent the Bella Vou brand.

The website is the way that we are able to educate our leads. Everything that we try to do from a marketing point of view aims to drive traffic to our website. We try and create social media conversations and other things that entice people into looking at specific procedures on the site.’

Medical Copywriting

Medico Digital provides bespoke medical copywriting by medically-qualified copywriters who are skilled communicators. They make health information accessible, engaging and easy to understand.

The writers interviewed the specialists to understand their practice and develop an authentic voice for the patient information pages. SEO specialists then identified keywords and adapted the text to increase search performance, improve rankings and drive awareness of the brand.


Social media and healthcare marketing

A social media presence is a vital part of improving brand awareness and generating high-quality leads. The team at Bella Vou developed a detailed and cohesive marketing strategy then worked with Medico Digital to develop and implement the changes:

‘Our social media presence has certainly been improving, and we’re working towards further increasing activity from a pay-per-click point of view. We’re telling a story on social media, and the person who’s managing the account for us at Medico is very efficient. She’s worked with the marketing team at Bella Vou- and we’ve definitely seen a lot of uplift on that side of things- and we anticipate more growth in areas like Facebook and Instagram Live.’

Improving the customer experience

The team at Medico Digital create medical website designs that are easy to navigate, earn patients’ trust, drive traffic and develop a brand identity. The marketing leads at Bella Vou said:

‘Since we’ve introduced the new website, repeat clients have instantly noticed the improvement, and we’ve had positive comments about how much nicer and easier the site is. We’re seeing a lot of happy customers. It’s early days, but there may be a drop off in some of the questions that we answer on a regular basis. So that suggests that the journey they’re going on may be working.

Bella Vou exceeded our quarterly targets by over 25%. The spike is likely to be due to a combination of factors including the website and pent up demand immediately following lockdown; we were one of the only clinics that were up and running- but I can’t say enough good things about the site we have now.’

‘We’re very happy with the numbers so far, and over the next 2-3 months we’re going to be working with Medico Digital to monitor the SEOs and review customer journeys on specific pages to check there’s no dropping off or bounce back. There’s going to be a lot of number crunching- but based on initial indications, I can’t see it not being an improvement.’

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